Neighborhood Block Watch

A Block Watch is a partnership between GRIC residents, neighborhoods and Law Enforcement. It creates an environment where you can openly share information, and your concerns, to help improve safety and prevent crime. Organizing a Block Watch opens the lines of communication between neighbors and creates a systematic way of alerting your neighborhood of suspicious activity.


A Block Watch doesn’t require you to perform any special tasks, go to a lot of meetings, or take on extra responsibilities.  You also don’t have to patrol the neighborhood. All it requires is that you and your neighbors be familiar enough with each other to know who belongs in the neighborhood and who doesn’t; which cars are a part of the neighborhood and which aren’t; recognize when something suspicious is going on and being a little more observant of changes in your surroundings.  It also requires that when you see something suspicious, you alert each other and you alert police.


Residents who are interested in starting a block watch in their neighborhood can contact the Gila River Police Department.


Contact: Lt. Celestina Perez

Phone: (520) 562-5198
