Our Records Division is where our police reports are stored. They keep detailed records on crime and incident reports that occur within the Community. They assist with releasing reports and complying with records requests.
It should be understood that the Gila River Indian Community is a federally-recognized Indian tribe and the laws of Arizona are not generally applicable within the boundaries of the Community. Therefore, the Community is not subject to Arizona’s open records laws and Tribal records are not subject to the Freedom of Information Act and Federal Privacy Act.
Request a Report
Community members wishing to obtain a copy of a police report may request in person at the Gila River Police Department Headquarters. You may also call the Records Division at (520) 562-7140, or (520) 562-7540. Victims of any crime(s) may receive one free copy of a report, in which they are listed as the victim. For all other offenses, the copy fee for police reports is $5.00.
You can click here to print a copy of the POLICE RECORDS REQUEST
Fee Schedule:
Photo Image CD $25.00
Police Reports $5.00
911 CD $25.00
To submit a request, please provide a report number (if available), date, time, and location of the incident, or name(s) of the person(s) involved. Requests for copies may take several days to process, depending on the nature of the incident and if the case is still under investigation.
To request a police report please visit us at:
Gila River Police Department
637 W. Gu’u Ki Street
Sacaton, AZ 85147
(520) 562-7140
(520) 562-7540