Operational Period: Daily 1700hrs-1649hrs
-- For Official Use Only (FOUO) --
ICS 202 Incident Objectives
The Governor's COVID-19 Task Force and the Gila River Indian Community's Emergency Operations Center is tasked with the following directives;
- Provide public health and health care related technical guidance to the Community’s Leadership, Departments, Organizations and Enterprises
- Provide information and messaging to the Community through the development of a Joint Information Center (JIC)
- Provide logistical and resource assistance to the Community Services Department who is the lead department in identifying and providing for the community district needs
Incident Objectives
- Provide public health and health care technical guidance to the Community’s Leadership, Departments, Organizations and Enterprises
- Streamline communication and messaging for information dissemination to the community members, community employees, organizations and enterprise through the development of a communications flowchart
- Provide logistical and resource assistance to the Community Services Department who is the lead department in identifying and providing for the community district needs
- Members in need should contact their District Service Centers
- Urban members in need should contact their Urban Rep or a District Service Center
- District Service Centers and Urban Reps will work with the Community Services Department (CSD)
- Community department and entities in need will contact the Office of Emergency Management (OEM)
- Facilities that are still open as an essential function are to develop restricted access plans and best practices operational plans
- Department/Entities to develop processes & procedures to limit exposure to the community, health care workers, first responders and community/entity employees
- GRIC, GRHC and Enterprise HR Department’s to identify policies and processes that need to be addressed through revisions, directives or orders
- Departments/Entities to develop processes to track any financial impacts
Command Emphasis
- All community-wide communication will be through the JIC with Incident Command and Executive approval
- Follow the Communications Flow Chart
- Stay Focus on your assigned ICS 204 Assignments Form
- Emergency Support Function (ESF) coordinators to maintain contact with their groups and provide approved messaging, policy, protocols, etc.
Situational Awareness
- Task Force SitRep click here
- Maintain physical distancing
- Refrain from shaking hands and other close body contact
- If you are sick, stay home
- Follow the guidelines on the ICS 208 Safety Message
- Keep informed
Follow-up Items
- Community cloth mask purchase
- May 5 Community Vote Plan
- Employee Screening Guidelines
- Sending an Employee Home Sick Guidelines
- Testing of First Responders and Health Care Workers
- Executive Order on Personal Travel- do we need this?
- Executive Order on Community Lock Down- do we need this?
ICS 203 Organizational Assignments List
Executive & Policy Group
- Governor Stephen A. Lewis
- Communty Council
Unified Command
- OEM- Bruce Harvey
- THD- Candy Preston
- GRHC- Susan Kelley
Senior Advisors
- Lt Governor Robert Stone
- GRHC I/CEO Dr. Anthony Santiago
- EMS Medical Director Dr. Ryan Southworth
- EMS Chief Kurt Rainbolt
- Fire Chief Kathy Garcia
- Police Chief Tim Chavez
- DRS Chief Ron Lopez
- GRIC Incident Managment Team
- EMS Deputy Chief Kevin Knight
- Fire Cmdr Jairus Pierce
Liaison Officers
- OCM- Kathyleen Curley
- Enterprises- Manuel Johnson
Public Information Officers
- CPAO- June Shorthair
- GRHC- Veronica Vaughn
Planning Section Chief
- EMS- Deputy Chief Kevin Knight
Logistics Section Chief
- OEM- Adam Sainz
Finance Section Chief
- OEM- Bechilyn Gonzales
Operations Section Chief
- [not assigned- report to unified command]
- ESF #02 | Information Systems
- Chris Cabanillas
- ESF #03 | Public Works
- Tom Guenther
- ESF #04 | Fire Protection
- A/Dep Chief Leon Manuel
- ESF #05 | EOC
- Adam Sainz
- ESF #08 | Public Health & Medical
- EMS- Division Chief Chris Riddle
- GRHC- Division Chief Patrick Peterson
- ESF #13 | Law Enforcement
- PD- Cmdr Jeff Hunter
- DRS- A/Cmdr Travis Bradford
- ESF #14 | Community Services
- Chris Mendoza
- At Risk Facilities Group
- ESF #02 | Information Systems
ICS 204 Assignments List - ESF #2 Information Systems
Operations Section Chief
- (reports to unified command)
ESF #02 Information Systems
- Chris Cabanillas
- Identify essential labor force based on Executive Order 5
- Identify community alerting system platforms for informational and emergency messaging
- Facility the purchase, set-up and training of a virtual meeting platform
- Develop department processes & procedures to ensure physical distancing practices, regular hand hygiene and regular cleaning of high touch surfaces
- Identify and update any department policy, processes and procedures that need addressing
- Maintain the Community's critical information system and network infrastructure
Special Instructions:
- Maintain consistent, clear communication with the Task Force/IMT
- Ensure those that are working onsite are screened at the start of each work day
- Complete an ICS 214 Form for ESF #2 as prescribed. See current instructions in the ICS 214 section.
- Track and document all financial impacts
ICS 204 Assignments List - ESF #3 Public Works
Operations Section Chief
- (reports to unified command)
ESF #03 Public Works
- Tom Guenther
- Identify essential labor force based on Executive Order 5
- Develop department processes & procedures to ensure physical distancing practices, regular hand hygiene and regular cleaning of high touch surfaces
- Identify and update any department policy, processes and procedures that need addressing
- Maintain the Community's critical public works infrastructure
Special Instructions:
- Maintain consistent, clear communication with the Task Force/IMT
- Ensure those that are working onsite are screened at the start of each work day
- Complete an ICS 214 Form for ESF #3 as prescribed. See current instructions in the ICS 214 section.
- Track and document all financial impacts
ICS 204 Assignments List - ESF #4 Fire Protection
Operations Section Chief
- (reports to unified command)
ESF #04 Fire Protection
- A/Dep Chief Leon Manuel
- Identify essential labor force based on Executive Order 5
- Develop department processes & procedures to ensure physical distancing practices, regular hand hygiene, regular cleaning of high touch surfaces and response & staffing plans
- Update: see operations directive below
- Identify and update any department policy, processes and procedures that need addressing
- Update: see operations directive below
- Maintain the Community's fire protection infrastructure
Special Instructions:
- Maintain consistent, clear communication with the Task Force/IMT
- Ensure those that are working onsite are screened at the start of each work day
- Complete an ICS 214 Form for ESF #4 as prescribed. See current instructions in the ICS 214 section.
- Track and document all financial impacts
Download GRFD Plan
ICS 204 Assignments List - ESF #5 EOC
Operations Section Chief
- (reports to unified command)
- Adam Sainz
- Identify essential labor force based on Executive Order 5
- Develop department processes & procedures to ensure physical distancing practices, regular hand hygiene and regular cleaning of high touch surfaces
- Identify and update any department policy, processes and procedures that need addressing
- Work with GRGE to assist with purchasing
Special Instructions:
- Maintain consistent, clear communication with the Task Force/IMT
- Ensure those that are working onsite are screened at the start of each work day
- Complete an ICS 214 Form for ESF #5 as prescribed. See current instructions in the ICS 214 section.
- Track and document all financial impacts
ICS 204 Assignments List - ESF #8 Public Health & Emergency Services
Operations Section Chief
- (reports to unified command)
ESF #08 Health & Medical
- EMS- Division Chief Chris Riddle
- Identify essential labor force based on GRHC directive
- Update: non-essential staff have been identified and are working remotely
- Develop department processes & procedures to ensure physical distancing practices, regular hand hygiene, regular cleaning of high touch surfaces and response & staffing plans
- Update: see response plan below
- Identify and update any department policy, processes and procedures that need addressing
- Update: see response plan below
Special Instructions:
- Maintain consistent, clear communication with the Task Force/IMT
- Ensure those that are working onsite are screened at the start of each work day
- Complete an ICS 214 Form for ESF #8 as prescribed. See current instructions in the ICS 214 section.
- Track and document all financial impacts
Download EMS Plan
Operations Section Chief
- (reports to unified command)
ESF #08 Health & Medical
- GRHC- Division Chief P Peterson
- see the GRHC Incident Action Plan (IAP)
Special Instructions:
- Maintain consistent, clear communication with the Task Force/IMT
- Ensure those that are working onsite are screened at the start of each work day
- ICS 214 Forms will be assigned and filed based on GRHC guidelines
- Track and document all financial impacts
ICS 204 Assignments List - ESF #13 Law Enforcement
Operations Section Chief
- (reports to unified command)
ESF #13 Law Enforcement
- PD- Cmdr Jeff Hunter
- Identify essential labor force based on Executive Order 5
- Develop department processes & procedures to ensure physical distancing practices, regular hand hygiene, regular cleaning of high touch surfaces and response & staffing plans
- Update: see plan below
- Identify and update any department policy, processes and procedures that need addressing
Special Instructions:
- The Public Safety PSAP falls under ESF #13 (this is for ease of communication)
- Maintain consistent, clear communication with the Task Force/IMT
- Ensure those that are working onsite are screened at the start of each work day
- Complete an ICS 214 Form for ESF #13 as prescribed. See current instructions in the ICS 214 section.
- Track and document all financial impacts
Download PSAP Dispatching Card
Download PSAP Plan
Download PD Plan
Operations Section Chief
- (reports to unified command)
ESF #13 Law Enforcement
- DRS- A/Cmdr Travis Bradford
- Identify essential labor force based on Executive Order 5
- Develop department processes & procedures to ensure physical distancing practices, regular hand hygiene, regular cleaning of high touch surfaces and response & staffing plans
- Update: see plan below
- Identify and update any department policy, processes and procedures that need addressing
Special Instructions:
- Maintain consistent, clear communication with the Task Force/IMT
- Ensure those that are working onsite are screened at the start of each work day
- Complete an ICS 214 Form for ESF #13 as prescribed. See current instructions in the ICS 214 section.
- Track and document all financial impacts
Download DRS Plan
ICS 204 Assignments List - ESF #14 Community Services
Operations Section Chief
- (reports to unified command)
ESF #14 Community Services
- PD- Chris Mendoza
- Identify essential labor force based on Executive Order 5
- Develop department processes & procedures to ensure physical distancing practices, regular hand hygiene and regular cleaning of high touch surfaces
- Identify and update any department policy, processes and procedures that need addressing
Special Instructions:
- Maintain consistent, clear communication with the Task Force/IMT
- Ensure those that are working onsite are screened at the start of each work day
- Complete an ICS 214 Form for ESF #14 as prescribed. See current instructions in the ICS 214 section.
- Track and document all financial impacts
ICS 204 Assignments List - At Risk Facilities
Operations Section Chief
- (reports to unified command)
ESF #00 At Risk Facilities Group
- Identify essential labor force based on Executive Order 5
- Develop facility processes & procedures to ensure physical distancing practices, regular hand hygiene, regular cleaning of high touch surfaces and daily screening for residents
- Identify and update any department policy, processes and procedures that need addressing
Special Instructions:
- Maintain consistent, clear communication with the Task Force/IMT
- Ensure those that are working onsite are screened at the start of each work day
- Complete an ICS 214 Form as prescribed. See current instructions in the ICS 214 section.
- Track and document all financial impacts
ICS 207 Org Chart
(when viewing on a mobile device try landscape mode)
ICS 208 Safety Message
ICS 214 Activity Log
A daily ICS 214 is due by 1630 hrs daily by all Command & General Staff, ESF Coordinators and Group Supervisors. This log will represent your activities of the previous 24 hours. When completed email to
(weekends can be combined on the Monday submission)
Report On:
- Objectives
- Task/Assignments
- Meetings
- Successes
- Challenges
- Needs
- Example: Attended the morning Task Force Meeting (45 mins x 2 personnel)
- Example: Worked on developing our department’s employee screening process (1.5 hours)
Download ICS 214 Form
Communications Flow Chart
Employee Screening Process
This process applies to all Community and Enterprise employees.
To ensure a healthy work environment and to develop procedures that protect the employee, the work force, customers and the Community.
Process & Proceedures:
Employee upon arrival to work
- Completes the daily Employee Screening Form
- Takes and records temperature (for those that have access to this)
If the employee marks 'Yes" for any of the questions 1-4
- Employee is immediately sent home
- Any areas the employee may have occupied must be disinfected (see guidelines)
If the employee marks "Yes" to any of the questions 5-7
- Employee must wear a procedural/surgical mask will at work
Employee return to work
- 72 hours after fever subsides (w/out aid of medication)
- Minimum 7 days from onset of any symptoms
Employee Screening Tool download
Sick Employee Guidance
To develop a consistent process for employees who are sick with COVID-19 related symptoms (Fever, Cough, Difficulty Breathing, Diarrhea)
- Employee calls out sick with related symptoms
- See employee return to work
- Employee presents at work with related symptoms
- Employee is immediately sent home
- Any area that was occupied by the employee must be disinfected (see guidelines)
- Employee return to work
- 72 hours after fever subsides (w/out aid of medication) and,
- Minimum 7 days from onset of any symptoms
CDC Testing Priority
CDC Testing Priority download
Heath Care/First Responder Worker Exposure Guidance
PPE Optimization Guidance
Tribal Health Case Follow-Up Plan
[under development]
Community Meeting Screening Plan
Purpose: To ensure all attendees of any community meeting receive a screening prior to entry. Any person found unfit to enter will not be allowed entrance and will receive further instruction on self-monitoring and isolation.
Facility Set Up:
- Seating for attendees and meeting facilitators should have 6 feet of physical distance between seats
- Facility Entrances
- 1-2 screeners
- Table and supplies
- There should be amble room to keep attendees separated as they arrive
- Signage
- Flow, Process & Questions that will be asked
- Equipment Needed
- Screening forms and pens
- Self-monitoring flyers
- Table and chairs
- Small lined garbage can
- Thermometer w/protective covers
- Gloves
- Hand sanitizer
- Sanitizing wipes
- Procedure masks
- Screeners don a procedure mask and safety glasses prior to any screening
- Attendee arrives to screening location
- Attendee fills out screening form
- Attendee has temperature taken and recorded
- Attendee is deemed fit based on questionnaire and general impressions
- Attendee is granted access
- Attendee is deemed unfit based on questionnaire and/or general impressions
- Attendee is given a mask to immediately don and moved away from any other attendees
- Attendee is given a self-monitor flyer and verbal instructions
- Attendee is sent home to self-monitor and isolate
- Area is disinfected prior to any other attendee access to the screening area
- Provider to document the encounter on a new screening form for record
- Attendee form in question is thrown away
- Continue with the process
Community Food Distribution Plan
[under development]
Downlaod Sample Plan
Community Support Initiative For Persons w/COVID-19
-- draft only --
Lead Department: Tribal Health
Support Departments:
- Gila River Health Care- Public Health Nursing
- Gila River Health Care- TeleHealth
- Community Services Department
- Office of Emergency Management
To provide care and support for those patients and households that have tested positive for COVID-19 during the period of isolation/quaranteen.
Processes & Proceedures:
- Provide the household with literature on the following
- Mask Usage
- Hand Hygiene
- Disenfecting Household and High Touch Items
- Coughing
- Physical Distancing
- Important of Isolation at Home
- THD & PHN provides regular follow-up visits
- CSD provides food and essential items
- A mobile device (tablet type) w/data plan will be provided
- Community messaging via
- Support messages from Community Leadership
- TeleHealth visits
- Streaming entertainment
- Ability to request needs
- Do we remove the patient from the home and place at one of the hotels with a similar process?
Burial Guidance For Families
Lt. Governor Robert Stone will be working with other Community Leaders on the development of a plan that will attempt to address the culteral aspects of the burial of a family member during these times.
Mass Fatality Plan
[under development]